
Evaluation: Question Four Response and Question Five Responce

Question Four: Who would be the audience for your media product?
Question Five: How did you attract/address your audience?

The audience for my media product is the Ukulele playing community.

The Ukulele has always been culturally popular in Hawaii as it is it's birth place. It then spread across to the States and is making a name for itself in the music world.

The Ukulele is a small underground movement which is gaining respect and the fasination of the main stream music wave. It has taken a long time for the Ukulele to gain respect as a professional instrument globally.
This is why I chose the audience for my media product to be the Ukulele community as they are fresh, exciting and unique. I moulded my magazine around bringing the Ukulele into a professional modern light.
I specifically wanted to challenge media coventions when making the magazine just as the Ukulele players are challenging the rest of the 'modern' music scene.

I had to include several attracting features about my magazine which could hail back to the origins of the Ukulele yet still modernize it and specifically design the issue I picked for women.

Looking at the 'Generic' or 'Stereotyped' female:
Women are all different and can be anything or anyone that they decide. When looking at what society conciders to be a 'generic' or 'stereotype' of a woman it's exactly what you would expect, sooft features long hair and holding a relaxed posture. They always usually are portrayed happy and with a wide smile.

Here is a quick scrapbook of some women:

Looking at female Uke players:

When looking at the modern female Uke players they look pretty much the same as the average woman. Most sub-cultures of music have different looks that define them clearly. This is one of the most desirable aspects of playing the Ukulele anyone and everyone of all ages can pick up a Uke and play.

Here is a quick scrapbook of some female Uke players:

Uke Moodboard:

Readers of Uke Magazine and attracting them:

I had to take in all of what I had looked up and then be able to create a profession magazine for this wonderful community of musicians, while still focusing on a female specific magazine.

To explain each of the attracting features I have posted the image of my magazine front cover:

Hawaii influence: I wanted to stay true to the origins of the Ukulele, this should also draw in the more traditional Uke players. The influence was the use of vines surrounding my model Lucy and the rest of the magazine.

Female influence: As I designed a female specific magazine issue I changed the colour scheme to pink and featured a female model conveying what I had found about the female Ukulele player.

Proffesional influence: I used Q magazine's layout and models to base mine around, this brings the modern aspect which attracts a wider demographic.

Below I have images to show a young female reading this edition of Uke in her own enviroment and an image of Uke being displayed on a bus stop advertisement. This shows Uke being able to fit right into the demographic that I have chosen. It can be shown on a wide advertsing scale and blend right in yet stand out at the same time.

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